Dermaplaning is known as skin exfoliation as we are able to remove more skin toxins and dead tissues. This treatment works tusing a surgical blade removeing both vellus hair and dead skin cells. Vellus hairs are those which are often referred to as ‘peach fuzz’ which can cause the skin to look dry and dull when built up on the surface of the skin. They can also cause makeup products such as foundations and creams to look ‘cakey’ as these hair fibres often hold more of the product than the skin causing an uneven result. The removal of both of these allows the skin to breathe and absorb topical product much easier; the overall skin texture will be much smoother and enlarged pores and dry skin patches will have been reduced. Other benefits are that with the removal of dead skin cells, we can revive dull complexions and dehydrated looking skin.
This treatment is pain-free and is around 30 minutes for a treatment. We recommend that Dermaplaning be carried out no more than once every 4-6 weeks as recommended as part of the shedding cycle of skin and hair growth. This treatment will allow your regular products to work better as the dead skin cells and vellus hairs that once acted as a barrier between your skin and your products will have been removed. It is also this reason why makeup application will also be easier and less product will be required.

1 session - £30